By Kyle Ponterio, Numismatist and Consignment Director

Hunan Dollar, Year 11(1922). L&M- 867; K763; Y-404; Hsu- 22. Hunan Provincial Constitution. This coin was struck to commemorate the Promulgation of the constitution. In a time of presidents and warlords the people wanted to unite, but also to have autonomy in their own provinces. Zhao Hengxi, the governor of Hunan wanted to protect the province from civil war so he worked diligently to establish the provincial constitution and was finally successful on January 1, 1922. The constitution which contains 141 articles grouped under 13 chapters, states the difference between the central and local governments. Some of the weaker warlords were for these constitutions as it was used somewhat like a talisman in that no other province’s armies could enter the province without permission. Several southern provinces followed suit and successively drafted and instituted their own constitutions.
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